
Sunday, June 20, 2010

rosemary grilled fries

These are quick and easy and full of flavor! I always have a ton of rosemary and it goes great with grilled foods. As long as you are grilling a burger, why not throw these on the grill alongside? I like mine extra-charred but grill them according to how you like them.

Rosemary Grilled Fries
Serves 4.
4 Russet potatoes
3 sprigs of fresh rosemary, chopped
1 tablespoon red pepper flakes
2 tablespoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper
¼ cup canola oil

Slice potatoes – slice in half lengthwise and then again into 3 slices, lengthwise.
Remove rosemary by pinching the end and pulling off the leaves backwards. Chop.

Add all dry ingredients to a large mixing bowl.

Add canola oil and mix with your hands.

Cover bowl and microwave for 7 minutes on high. Stir and continue microwaving for another 7-8 minutes.
Turn potatoes onto medium grill and grill on both sides until nice and charred.

Serve alongside a burger or just eat for a snack!


  1. why don't u have a follower button and um YUM! i wanna make these!

  2. Thanks!! I'm actually in the process of redesigning my blog so keep coming back!
