
Sunday, September 19, 2010

french toast

Okay, so everyone knows that I have a sweet tooth, yes?  :)

During the first trimester, I thought that I was going crazy!  I didn't crave any sweets.  And not only desserts, but I didn't even want pancakes or French toast or waffles on Saturday morning.  I don't even consider those sweets so I was shocked that I wasn't absolutely craving that for breakfast.


Well, heh heh.  I'm a week away from our little guy coming into this world and I am definitely back to normal :)

Let me show you one of my favorite Saturday morning breakfasts.  Not the prettiest or the most gourmet but man, are these the tastiest you'll ever eat!

French Toast
Serves 4.
4-8 slices of stale-ish bread, either homemade, French bread, sourdough, anything you like!
5 large eggs
1 cup whole milk
2 teaspoons cinnamon
Maple syrup

Whisk together the eggs and milk in a large pie pan.  Sprinkle in cinnamon and whisk to combine.

Heat a bit of butter in a large frying pan over medium-low heat.
Dip the bread into the egg mixture, on both sides, and saute in frying pan until golden on both sides.

You want it to be nice and crispy on both sides, but still nice and soft on the inside.

Top with a pat of butter and drizzle with maple syrup.  Enjoy!  (I know I will :) )

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