
Sunday, December 19, 2010

homemade oreos

I'm not even really sure that I have to say anything here.
If you don't like oreos, then you can't be my friend.
My husband says that there are two things that I will eat until I explode.  
Or get a stomach ache.
Or both.
Numero uno is Blue Bell ice cream.  Homemade Vanilla.  Or Cookies N Cream.  Tough call.
And numero dos is oreos.
(Which, I imagine, is why I like Cookies N Cream ice cream.  Oreos in ice cream. *sigh*)
But, anyway, back to the oreos.
I can eat rows and rows of oreos. 
It's really fascinating/disgusting to watch.
I eat them plain.
I eat them mushy in milk.
I eat the insides first.
Any way I can get 'em.
So, anyway, apparently I did have a few lines to type out about oreos.
But, mostly, it was just nonsense.
So, just ignore me and go bake these.

Homemade Oreos
Makes about 25 of the correct size, but if you use the wrong scoop and make them double what they should be, it makes about 16...
Adapted from Retro Desserts, which I have to say, was a bit deceiving.  These are fantastic.  But, they are not "real" oreos.
1 1/4 cups flour
1/2 cup unsweetened Dutch process cocoa
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar 
1 1/4 sticks butter, at room temperature
1 large egg
1/2 stick butter, at room temperature
1/4 cup Crisco
2 cups sifted powdered sugar
2 teaspoons pure vanilla 

Preheat your oven to 375*. 
In a food processor (or in a large bowl), mix the flour, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and sugar.

While pulsing, or on low speed, add the butter, and then the egg. Continue processing or mixing until dough comes together in a mass. 

Take rounded teaspoons (and if you don't want ginormous oreos, use an actual teaspoon.  I used a two-teaspoon scoop and they were huge.) of batter and place on a Silpat-lined baking sheet about two inches apart. With slightly wet fingers, slightly flatten the dough. Bake for 9 minutes. Set aside to cool. 

To make the cream, place butter and shortening in a mixing bowl, and at low speed, gradually beat in the sugar and vanilla. Turn the mixer on high and beat for 2 to 3 minutes until filling is light and fluffy. 

To make the cookies, in a zip-lock bag with the corner cut off, pipe teaspoon-size blobs of cream into the center of one cookie. Place another cookie, about equal in size to the first, on top of the filling. Lightly press, to work the filling evenly to the outsides of the cookie. 

Continue this process until all the cookies have been sandwiched with cream and enjoy!!

Anyone still reading??  I just thought of a fantastic future blog post!!  What about making oatmeal cookies and stuffing them with the cream?!  Oatmeal creme pies, anyone??  Hmm...let me think on this....


  1. Just hopped over from Jolts and Jollies...

    I love Oreos too. I actually like the reduced fat version better because the cookie seems crisper to me, without sacrificing flavor. But recently I tried Newman O's and they were amazing. You should give them a try.

    Oh and I've make oatmeal raisincookies with a mascarpone cream in the middle and they were awesome. I stored them in the fridge and they got soft and were much better on day 2 and 3.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Ooo, those oatmeal cookies sound you have the recipe up? :)

  3. Man oh man you make the best stuff! I would love some homemade oreos please!
