
Monday, March 14, 2011

boggy creek farm trip!

I hate it when you are looking through old pictures and you come across a whole folder that you meant to do a whole blog on...
...and then forgot.

Last Spring, my mother-in-law and I went to visit the Boggy Creek Farm in Austin, Texas.
It's an awesome little urban market in the middle of downtown Austin.
They are USDA-Certified-Organic Urban Market Farm and just the cutest little place you've ever seen!

They were founded in 1992 and own the five acres and historic old house in East Austin, which became Boggy Creek Farm, named after the creek/ditch across the street. Surrounded by housing subdivisions, schools, and commercial enterprises, which had been built on land once part of the farm, the farm became one of the few truly urban farms in the nation.  While the majority of the organic produce is sold from the farm stand, a good amount of summer produce is available at the neighborhood Whole Foods Market, which is located about three miles from the farm.

If you are ever visiting Austin, you should really check them out!!
...and here's the little photographic journey that we took...

Fields of luscious greens

Almost ready fennel

Young Spring onions

Sweet potatoes

Gorgeous rainbow chard

 Cilantro and lettuces

Organic ice cream!

Baby beets

Lots of lettuces

Organic, grass-fed lamb

Our loot :)

Yogurts, eggs, and goat cheeses


New strawberries

A gorgeous little garden in the back...

Our appetizer for the evening, after we got home

Ms. Di making herb dressing...

...for our gorgeous salads!


  1. Oh, how I miss the farmer's market. Thanks for giving me a little glimpse of home. For some reason, buying fruits/veggies at a market and then coming home and bleaching them, it really makes them lose their appeal. Oh, such is life in the Military, huh?

  2. What a wonderful trip down memory lane, Katie! That really was a fun day :) I'd love to do it again and take Michael V along this time!

  3. I know....commissary veggies just don't cut it :/
    And yes, Ms. Di! It was a great day :)

  4. That's awesome! I'm so excited!! I'm moving down to the Austin area next month. I can't wait to go here! Thanks for the review!
