
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

bananas foster oatmeal

I haven't done breakfast in awhile.
And breakfast is seriously my favorite meal of the day.

Okay, maybe dessert.
But still!
This was created when I saw a couple bananas that were turning in the fruit bowl that Mike hadn't eaten yet.
(and yall know how I am with bananas.)
So, I had to whip something up fast to save them!!

And since it was around 8am and I hadn't eaten yet and I always have a hankering for something sweet....
Bananas Foster Oatmeal.

Bananas Foster Oatmeal
Serves 1.
I didn't really measure anything so let's do this recipe, picture by picture...

Melt a nice, big pat of butter in a small frying pan.

Add two soup-spoons-worth of dark brown sugar and stir to melt the sugar a bit.

Add a handful of walnuts, chopped or whole, whatever you'd like.

Add one sliced banana.

Add a dash of ground cinnamon on top.

And stir gently (...or toss, if you're good.  But, I'm not and it usually ends up on my stove.  So, I stir.) until the bananas are a bit melty and gooey and covered with the sugar-butter mixture.  (About 3ish minutes on medium, medium-low)

Make yourself a bowl of oatmeal with milk, using old-fashioned oats or just a package of plain.
(And I'd undercook it just slightly.  You want the oats to soak up some of that sugary goodness too!)

Pour goodness on top.

Let cool, for heaven's sakes.
I burnt the crapola out of my tongue.
Be warned.
It's boiling sugar.



  1. I hardly ever have breakfast. I know.. shame on me..

    but this could definitely change that.

  2. man now i have to go to the store and buy kids are oatmeal fanatics...they'll love this.

  3. Yes! It might not be the healthiest for the kiddos but they will love it! :)

  4. I have some bananas on the counter that need to be used up quick. I am SO making this for breakfast today!! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Yup, it's a keeper in case of brown bananas!
