
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

peanut butter banana granola parfait

Do you like peanut butter?

Most people love this.
Or you like some variation.

Like peanut butter and chocolate.
Or peanut butter and honey.
Or bananas and chocolate.

I like peanut butter all by it's lonesome.
I don't really care for it with anything else.
Just the butter.
Or on some toast.
Possibly adorning a waffle.

Anyway, you are probably not like me and love peanut butter and bananas.
My husband does.
So, I whipped this creation up really quick one morning for him on his way out the door.
He thought it was divine.
I hope you do too!

Peanut Butter Banana Granola Parfaits
Makes....however many you'd like!

No recipe needed!

Get a dollop of Greek yogurt, add a couple scoops of peanut butter and a healthy drizzle of honey:

Whisk, whisk, whisk:

Spread a bit in the bottom of a glass:

Lay a few slices of banana on:

Top with granola:
(or your husband's favorite granola cereal...we are easy here, people.)

Repeat the layers and enjoy!

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