
Saturday, October 5, 2013

the very hungry caterpillar birthday!

we are home from vermont and i thought i'd blog about how the party turned out!

personally, i thought it was a great success!
as my husband said, no tears, no blood, no poop...success!
no, really.
it was great fun and the kiddos had a blast with all their buddies!
the decor and cakes/food turned out pretty much as i had hoped.
our two photographer friends took most of the pictures so we could enjoy the party!

we started the day with our little tradition...m&m pancakes with candles and balloons!

the set-up while the boys were napping...

3 cake for mv...

...and the caterpillar for the baby bear!

the painting that mv and i had worked on earlier for j's present.

of course, we had to include a giant caterpillar!

....and a butterfly over the buffet...

all the foods from the book...

even Bugle chips for the ice cream cones ;)

the gifts were all set up outside!
the teepee from mommy and daddy...
and an antique bulldozer from a friend!

sandbox, complete with toys!

a giant chalkboard and a red wagon from gaumy!

 and then the friends came!
we had to wake the boys up but they were just fine with that ;) 

sweet boy.

adorable paul.

reagan and mike trying out the teepee!

summer and mv take over the sandbox.

charlotte tries her hand at the giant chalkboard...

norah, with lots of cake ;)

g-ma showing the bear how to use his sand.

mv trying his new balance bike from gaumy!

then, it was inside for cake!

he hardly ate any so his little button caterpillar shirt didn't even get messy!
silly boy.

 typical mv fashion.

and then back outside for another hour of play with friends!
we even got them all to sit/stand still for a picture!
everybody but the three infants ;)

birthday boys!

i think it was a success ;)
a great day that ended with the cutest present from G-Ma and Poppy!
a felt quiet book for the little bear!

can't wait to start planning next year's!


  1. What a production, great job! I adore the teepee idea, may have to steal in the future ;) Also love that felt quiet book! Is it hand made?

  2. Not handmade, my MIL bought it on Etsy. But, I am thinking about making one for Jack for Christmas! We'll see ;)
