
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

my little ham

this little ham.
we potty trained him at 23 months.
through his nap at 3.
and now, he's not quite 3 1/2, and asked for big boy undies at night.
i was skeptical.
he's never made it through the night.
but, "if they ask"....
so, we let him try it.
first night: up at 3am, going potty, but a bit confused as to what he does with his semi-damp undies.  we walk him through the "proper" steps and leave another pair of clean undies/pjs in his bathroom and send him back to bed.
and since?
like clockwork, he gets up at 2am...or 5am...or right when he wakes up at 8am, (but only once in the night!) and goes potty.
without noise or fuss.
the only way i hear him is because he is, in fact, a man, and slams the toilet seat.
slams it up.
not down.
the point is how proud we are of our little ham.
he's made it a whole week and a half, without incident.
and without waking his younger roommate up.

i'd say that's pretty impressive for a 3 year old.

ps- we also love that gap in your teeth.  just saying.  mama adores it.

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