
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

homeschooling wrap up: april!

another great month!

always, always tracing...

and practicing our threading...

our rotating culture center of the month was Asia!

making Chinese lanterns...

Chinese flag

the letter "M"

fire-breathing dragon!

kimono dress up!

chopstick fine motor skills

Michael and Mommy play :)

cherry blossom popcorn craft!

Daddy made homemade eggrolls!
all the foods from the two week unit ;)

and a trip to DC's Chinatown!
the famous Friendship Arch, pointing out architecture and characters, cherry blossoms!, Mommy and her boys, a bit of Vietnamese cuisine, more blossoms, and my sweetie!

for our felt, we used all Easter stories...

and worked on Easter crafts!

pom pom painting...

dyed eggshells...

lots of different egg dying...

a living Resurrection scene!

painting an Easter sunrise

"stained glass"

Resurrection eggs!

a great month!

1 comment:

  1. love the kneeling "Jesus" or is he riding sidesaddle? on the donkey. The hairy sun looks about worn out too. You need to commission another one for next year. I hadn't seen all the photos of the Asian foods you fixed-very colorful and exotic looking. Good Job, Mommy/Teacher
