
Wednesday, May 28, 2014


lately, we've been...

enjoying a fancy mama breakfast before the babies wake up...

trying to embrace pregnancy.
i really don't like being pregnant but i'm trying to remember that God chose me to carry this sweet miracle around for nine months.
i'm His assistant miracle maker :)
*almost 30 weeks!*

loving this amazing shea butter.
it's the best.
and i have NO well, maybe a couple stretch marks to prove it!

chuckling about how cute my dad is :)

amused at how these brothers have decided to sleep together.
every night.
in the crib.

and still wake up happy!

disliking that daddy's working late but loving that mama can choose her own "dinner".
*that's iced coffee, a warm cookie, a shot of apple cider vinegar, and a drizzle of raw honey, for allergies*

and packing "helpers".

splashing in spring showers and puddles in our undies and pjs!

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