
Sunday, August 24, 2014

the adventures of master gabe in the hospital

Our newest, handsome man entered the world at 9:04am on August 13th. 
Nine pounds, seven ounces, and twenty-one inches long. 
He's perfect. 

We labored through the night before, for about seven hours, then headed to the hospital. 
Three hours later, and all natural, he was born!

Our big boys and Nanny got to visit later the same day!

The same prayer cards that we used as meditation during labor really came into play over the next few days...

...because we were due to head home the next day but Gabe's respiratory rate got a bit too high for comfort and his oxygen saturation levels a bit too low so the docs transferred him to the nicu for additional testing. 

Not fun for this mama. 
But after xrays and bloodwork, they ruled out pneumonia and other possible infections, and I felt better. 
They put him on a seven day course of antibiotics, just to make sure, and a breathing tube to help keep his breathing steady. 

After a few days, the breathing tube came out and monitors taken off!

Still had a couple days left to relax, heal...and miss my other crazy boys at home with my parents!

After a week and a day, we finally got to head home with our beautiful boy!
We were tired.

welcome home, littlest love.

1 comment:

  1. hey, where's your mother? didn't she like spend a month with you?
