
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

we went on a bear hunt!

oh, my goodness.
we went on a bear hunt, y'all.

and we had a blast!
prepare for picture overload!

we started our morning with m&m pancakes and balloons, as per usual :)

then, it was time for all our friends to get here!

we kicked it off by singing the going on a bear hunt song

then, we collected our supplies...nets, hats, binoculars...

...including trail mix to entice the bears...

...and we were off!!

paw paw drove the tractor...

and we searched for bears :)

mike and my mom "hid" toadstools, animals, and insects on the way to find!


can you see the bobcat?


those are tiny ducks way out there :)

but no bears!



we found a BEAR!!


then, it was time for presents :)

camping backpacks for South America!

and all our friends signed our going on a bear hunt book!

we had decorated the table the night before with pinecones and cut logs and little bears...

and a bear print, complete with homemade frame by my dad and mike!

 perfect setting for our bear cake!

although the boys just really wanted the chocolate milk...
*can you tell we don't get that alot around here?? :)*

and the food!

apples, berries, and mini toadstools, made from string cheese and cherry tomatoes

hershey kiss and vanilla wafer acorns, gummy bears, pretzels sticks, and honeycombs

teddy graham s'more mix!

 chocolate milk and iced tea in jelly jars

and bear paw cookies for favors!

then, we spent the rest of the party, singing going on a bear hunt again and again :)

my sweet parents

and baby gabe finally woke up too!

a great day for a bear hunt!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was great fun!! I *love* all the animals scattered around the property. My favorites were the owl, the spider, the snake, the bobcat, etc, etc. Great pics too!
