
Monday, September 28, 2015

an all-American birthday party for three!

On Saturday, we had a very special three-in-one birthday party! 
Michael turned five, Jack turned three, and Gabe is one!
Technically, Michael's birthday is tomorrow, Jack's on Wednesday, and Gabe's was a month ago but we wanted to throw a special, welcome back to the USA party, and celebrate with all of our friends and family!
We had almost 40 merry-makers come to celebrate and the boys (and I hope the guests!) had a wonderful time!
Enjoy the pictures below!

putting together invites

making pendant banners

adding the stamped denim

final result!

i enlisted some help for some painting

final result!

sweet one-year-old's handprint flag tee

more pendant prep


michael has been waiting ages to be 5 years old because then "he gets GUM!" so i had to make him a very special painted wooden box, just to keep his precious gum safe ;) 
the night before the party, we celebrated with g-ma and poppy!

and the morning of, we opened nanny, paw paw, and gaumy's presents!


we always do m&m pancakes with candles on the birthday morning

it's a tradition that on each 1st birthday, the boys get a giant stuffed animal. gabe's was a longhorn since this is our only child (so far!) born in Texas! a true Texan!

a kids' camera!

a huge dumptruck

the first soccer game of the season was that morning as well

mike was the coach!

alex came to visit!

handsome boys :)

making the surprise-inside cake!

dessert table

michael, gaumy, and i

maw maw and her third great-grandson!

wrestling with uncle day day

g-ma and jack jack


possibly the ugliest cake i've ever done. but he didn't care!

it worked! usa flag inside!

gift time!

it ended up being a beautiful evening!

maw maw with all three great-grandbabies!
It was a lovely day and lovely celebration.
It was a little crazy of course with all our friends and family but we wouldn't have it any other way!
Can't wait for next year!

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