
Sunday, April 24, 2016

a weekend at the ranch!

last weekend, we loaded the kids and headed down to san antonio for a weekend with g-ma and poppy!
we don't get to see the boys' cousin, daisy, very often so when her sweet mom offered to let diane fly down to florida and bring her back for the weekend, we were thrilled!
we thought we'd head out to their ranch in uvalde for the weekend to let the kids play in the creek behind the house. we had one beautiful day of fun but then the weather turned nasty so we ended up spending the rest of the weekend in san antonio. the kids didn't even notice...they were having a ball with each other!
we can't wait to see daisy again!

within a few minutes of arriving, they were all outside playing together :)

four in a tub!

the next day, it was off to the ranch!

down to the creek!

the water was cold but the weather perfect!
and the creek was just the right level for little legs to splash around!

all my boys :)

off to explore with g-ma!

rock throwing

the next day, it was too cold and rainy to go outside so we played inside!

and then headed back to san antonio early.
all four napped on the way back!
thumbs up from mama.

mike and g-ma decided to take them to the buckhorn saloon, aka the hall of horns.
our boys love it and since daisy had never been, they had a blast!

are those horns? peace signs? bunny ears? who knows.

an awesome trip!!!

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