
Friday, December 10, 2010


Ah, December.
It's cold outside.
Christmas decorations are up.
The chimneys are smoking.
The snow is falling.

Not where you live?
Ya, me neither.
I grew up in Texas and we are currently stationed on the coast of North Carolina so we don't get much snow.
Or cold.
Or smoking chimneys.

But, tis the season!
And I'm making candy!

Makes 20-22 pieces.

2 cup sugar
1/2 cup white Karo syrup
1/4 cup water
2 egg whites
Pinch of salt
20-22 pecan halves

Combine sugar, syrup and water – cook to very hard ball stage (260*).  Combine egg whites and salt and beat until stiff.  Add syrup gradually, beat constantly until stiff peaks are formed and candy will hold shape.  Drop by teaspoonfuls on waxed paper and place pecan half on top.  Work fast.


  1. It just turned cold here last night. Your candy looks so light and fluffy and pretty. Great job!
