
Thursday, December 16, 2010

espresso chocolate shortbread cookies

So, I know I already did shortbread cookies this month. 
But, sometimes, something just calls out to you.
And while searching for a new cookie recipe for my friend who's husband just deployed, I stumbled across this little beauty.  
She loves coffee and dark chocolate and especially something that she we can dip into a mug of hot coffee.  
And possibly eat with dark chocolate.

So, while my poor little man was crying to be fed and my husband was crying to be fed, I was whipping these up for my friend who was crying for her husband.
And yes, I did feed my two men (mommy's milk and a salmon citrus salad, respectively, which, by the way, did not work out and will not be blogged) while the cookies were baking and then ran over to eat them while they were still warm.
I hope that they distracted her, just for a little while, at least.

Espresso Chocolate Shortbread Cookies
Makes about 32.
Taken from Smitten Kitchen.
1 tablespoon instant espresso powder
1 tablespoon boiling water
2 sticks butter, room temperature
2/3 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla 
2 cups flour
4 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped (or milk chocolate, toffee, or mini chocolate chips)
Powdered sugar, for dusting (optional)

Dissolve the espresso in the boiling water, and set aside to cool to lukewarm.
Beat the butter and powdered sugar together for around 3 minutes, until the mixture is very smooth. Beat in the vanilla and espresso, then add the flour, mixing only until it disappears into the dough. Don’t work the dough much once the flour is incorporated. Fold in the chopped chocolate.
Form into a large disk, wrap with plastic wrap, and refrigerate the dough for at least 2 hours, or for up to 2 days. (Or, if you are about to head over to your friend's house and your child is crying to be fed, then just stick it in the freezer for 20ish minutes...)
Preheat the oven to 325*. Line two baking sheets with parchment or silicone mats.
Remove the dough from the fridge/freezer.  Roll out into a 1/2" thick rectangle.  Cut the dough into 1 1/2-inch squares. Transfer the squares to the baking sheets and carefully prick each one twice with a fork, gently pushing the tines through the cookies until they hit the sheet.
Bake for 18 to 20 minutes until very pale – they shouldn’t take on much color at all or they won't be tender. Transfer the cookies to a rack.
Deb from Smitten Kitchen suggests that if you’d like, dust the cookies with powdered sugar while they are still hot. Cool the cookies to room temperature before serving.

And stack into Stonehenge while your wife isn't looking, if you'd like...


  1. These sound amazing...I love shortbread of any kind, bur esspesso and chocolate are way up there!
