
Monday, May 16, 2011

ginger fried rice

Leave it to my favorite, Smitten Kitchen, to find something so simple and so interesting.
I mean, who knew that crispy ginger and leeks could make fried rice so unique?

I am used to have the "traditional" fried rice.
With the carrots and the peas and the swimming-in-soy-sauce.

But, this is so much better.

The leeks do something.
And the crispy ginger and garlic?
And the oozing egg on top?


Ginger Fried Rice
Serves 4
Adapted from Deb!
1/3 cup canola oil
2 tablespoons sesame oil
2 tablespoons minced garlic
2 tablespoons minced ginger
Salt, to taste
2 cups leeks, white and light green parts only, rinsed really well, dried, and sliced in half moons
4 cups day-old cooked jasmine rice, or any left-over rice you might have on hand
6 large eggs
2 teaspoons sesame oil
4 teaspoons soy sauce

In a large skillet, heat the canola oil over medium heat. Add garlic and ginger and cook, stirring occasionally, until crisp and brown. Watch it carefully!  It'll burn within seconds of being done.  With a slotted spoon, transfer to paper towels and salt lightly.
Leaving the same oil in the pan, reduce heat to medium-low and add the sesame oil and leeks. Cook about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until very tender but not browned. Add a touch of salt.
Raise heat to medium and add rice. Cook, stirring well and scraping with a spatula, until golden and slightly crunchy. Beat 2 of the eggs with a fork and add to rice.  Fry until egg is done.  Season to taste with salt.
In a nonstick skillet, fry eggs in remaining oil, over easy or sunny side up, until edges are set but yolk is still runny.
Divide rice among four dishes. Top each with an egg and drizzle with 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil and 1 teaspoon soy sauce. Sprinkle crisped garlic and ginger over everything and serve. Enjoy!!


  1. That looks amazing! I really am going to start going through shopping based on all this so I can make it haha

  2. Ginger is one of my favorite things to cook with. This sounds awesome.

  3. It really is one of my favs now. I make it all the time. The gooey egg on top is a must.
