
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

blackberry cobbler

Things to do:
(summer version)

try not to melt
spend as much time in a pool as possible
buy a summer fun-tastic lipstick
hardly wash your hair because it looks so great from the beach
eat lots of bbq
wear lots and lots of sunscreen.  lobster is not the new tan.
turn the a/c waaaay down and nap with your son curled around your big belly
paint your nails a wild color
sip drinks of the icy variety.  next summer, we'll add back in the tequila.
turn that a/c down again and make cobbler.

you knew we were ending on cobbler, yes?

And what, what I ask, screams summer more than blackberry cobbler??
My fav.

Ripe, berries, freshly picked, bursting with summer goodness, and now all melty and delicious in a good, old-fashioned cobbler.

And since we were in Texas, top it off with your favorite Blue Bell.
Mine is the real cookies n' cream.

Recipe straight from the PW.  She rocks.

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