
Sunday, December 16, 2012

hannah's andes mint cookies

Okay, so I have a confession.
I take things rather personally.
It's a problem.
Because, even though my husband says that all of my dishes are the best (and I usually believe him...), my family has no problem telling me that someone else's cookies (among other things...) are better.
My brother in particular.
So, when we were in college and he told me that Hannah's (a friend of ours) cookies were way better than mine, I took offense.
But, I swallowed my pride and asked her for her recipe, baked a batch, and....well, they are quite delicious.
I've been making them for my brother for years and just now getting around to blogging about it.
And while I still love my chocolate chip cookie recipe, these are pretty darn fantastic.
Maybe better than mine.
Go Hannah.
Really!  And I don't mind admitting it!

Hannah's Andes Mint Cookies
Makes about 2 dozen.

1/2 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup dark brown sugar
1/2 cup white granulated sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
teaspoon baking powder
teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 package (10 oz.) Andes baking chips...if you can't find these, you can just chop up regular Andes mints...about 3 4-oz. packages
2 2/3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
Hannah also usually adds a handful of chocolate chips*

Blend butter, sugars, baking soda, baking powder, vanilla and eggs until mixed. Stir in Andes baking chips and then flour. Chill for approximately 1 hour in refrigerator. Scoop out some dough, form ball, and slightly flatten. Raise oven rack one level above middle and bake on non-stick baking pans. Baked at 350* for approximately 8-10 minutes. Cool on pans for 2 minutes before removing.  Enjoy!



  1. Katie, I haven't made Hannah's version, but only the one on the Andes bag. Gosh, they are addictive - sinfully yet amazingly delicious! It's dangerous to make them unless I swear to myself that I'm going to take most of them to work to share.

  2. Haha...I send all the "leftovers" up the to the Marines with Mike :)

  3. Hooray! Glad you're enjoying them!
