
Thursday, May 1, 2014

pizza! ...but cleaner and wholer a word?

i'm on a pizza kick.
and no, not domino's.
(although i do love a good deep dish now and then...)
but, i'm trying to eat "cleaner" and "wholer" lately so i've been using whole wheat, sprouted pitas or tortillas as my base and building from there!
personal pizzas like this, all crispy and hot from the oven, make an excellent breakfast or lunch but these would also make fantastic appetizers at a party.
not to mention, my boys love these.
they aren't even huge fans of commercial pizza so i was surprised when i first made one and both asked to try a bite.  then, another.  then, i had to split it between them and get up and make another one for me :)
love my adventurous eaters.

this first one is just a toasted pita, avocado mashed on top, salt and pepper to taste, and an egg on top!
normally, that egg would be just oozing the good, yellow yolk, but, alas...pregnancy. 

this one is also a toasted pita, with black beans (drained and rinsed and mashed with a bit of salsa) spread on top, half a sauteed sweet potato, a sprinkle of cheddar, and a healthy drizzle of sririacha.  

this one starts with a whole wheat tortilla, topped with asparagus, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, broiled in the oven for about 10 minutes, until nice and bubbly!  no need to par-cook any of the veggies.

since, apparently this baby wants as many sweet potatoes as possible, i mashed half of a previously cooked sweet potato on top of a whole wheat pita, topped with a bit of leftover pork roast from a dinner we'd had, and finished with an egg and that yummy green tabasco sauce.

and finally, a brunch-ish, dessert-ish pizza.
but, i totally ate it for breakfast and didn't feel bad about it.
this has a whole wheat tortilla base, topped with slices of brie, pear, and scattered with blackberries, and broiled until the cheese is bubbly, about 6-7 minutes. then, i drizzled the whole thing with a little raw honey and enjoyed!

1 comment:

  1. Your Gaumy and I picked some fresh blackberries when she was here and she piled them on top of her cereal! Good! Wish you and fam were here to pick them.
