
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

virginia renaissance faire!

last weekend, we headed out to spotsylvania (about an hour south of where we live) for the virginia renaissance faire!
it was a gorgeous day!
mv was enthralled and we tried to "teach" him as much as a 3 1/2 year old can learn about the renaissance period ;)
jack, on the other hand, was completely over stimulated, missed his nap, and was pushing through another tooth, and was not happy.
but, he got over it, took a short nap in the stroller, and we enjoyed the day!


the rose stage, for jugglers of fire and other death-defying feats!

tight rope walker!

no idea why they were there but mv loved them!

the queen's grand entrance!



and even a circus!

watching the tight rope walker, in a much better mood...

enjoying a very authentic lunch of chips and bbq :)

fun for the kids but i really think even more fun for us adults, who just watched the crazy diehards all day :)

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