
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

our fourth + my thirty-first

our holiday weekend was quiet and relaxing.
our boys were having a blast in texas with their grandparents and we decided to have a little date night.
my birthday is two days after the fourth so i always get a bonus at the end of the holiday :)
below are some pictures of our little weekend!

35 weeks pregnant with baby gabe!

thought i'd self-mani for the day :)

we feasted on the last of our steaks in the freezer (moving does have it's perks!) with roasted brussels, smoke gouda gnocchi, and watermelon
fruit pizza for dessert!
and mojito pops!
(mine didn't have the lemoncello...)

land of the free because of the brave.

my brave.

next, it was off to our favorite date night place for a last date for my birthday!

we will miss this place so much!

we had clams in chili-garlic broth, smoked beef tongue sammie, braised short ribs, and duo of quail and housemade sausage.  

then, home for a krispy kreme doughnut cake!
with sparklers.
(weird late-pregnancy cravings at their finest.)

i couldn't resist the duck face.
one of my presents was this awesome hat.
i'm in love.

we had a great weekend but now, it's back to packing!

1 comment:

  1. Almost exactly a year ago I was doing this exact same thing, but I wasn't huge preggo! You're a trooper... sending you good packin' vibes!
