
Sunday, August 31, 2014

homeschooling set up

Is it really already that time of year?!?
We are in transition and homeschooling on the road, so to speak.
My mom and I converted one of the offices in the San Antonio house into the schoolroom for MV and Jack this year!
We are only homeschooling through February, when we leave for South America, so we have a lot to accomplish!
Below are pictures of our set up for this year and hopefully our temporary space will work out just fine and dandy :)

disaster zone.
hence the wine.

getting the centers ready...

reading center, complete with cubby hole and pillows :)

mv's "big boy" desk

Bible verses for both ages ;)

completed room! 


  1. This is awesome, and Nate is such a cutie! What fun y'all will have this Fall/Winter!
