
Wednesday, September 24, 2014


i'm grateful.

~ that gabe is a little over a month old now and a perfectly healthy baby boy.

~ for my parents who are an extra set of hands and take these yahoos outside to run (and feed chickens, pick peppers, water plants, dig in the dirt) some energy out of them before naptime.

~ that i spent that extra, unexpected week in the hospital with him, but that God used that time to heal my body from natural childbirth so when we got home, i was ready to wrestle with my other two boys.

~ that my husband is home to co-parent in this season of our lives.

~ for God-given patience with my two oldest crazies in homeschooling

~ that it's getting slightly cooler in texas and we can actually enjoy our morning walks together.

~ for a new church family that showered us with gifts and pre-made dinners

~ that all my boys that sleep in past sunrise.  i get to enjoy my tea and watch the sun come up over the pine trees in east texas.  it's quiet time with my husband that i didn't think i'd get with three boys :)

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post. Watching the sun rise to a new beautiful day is just so exhilarating.
