
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

gdk meal planning services!

Hi there.
I'm starting a new venture and thought I'd share it on our little blog.

gdk meal planning services.

Let me explain it and then you can all send thousands of emails, pouring in, about how you'd love to sign up and let me plan your food.

So, I plan your meals.

All are completely customize-able and tailored for you and your family's specific tastes and needs.  Meaning, I can do vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, diabetic, clean-eating, kid-friendly, or just plain, old fashioned good eating.
You would receive weekly (or monthly) emails from me that would include a calendar of meals and snacks, recipes, grocery list for each week, and the nutrition info for each meal or snack.
There are a few (three!) options.
#1: Three meals and two snacks a day, seven days a week.
#2: Lunches and dinners, seven days a week.
#3: Mini-option, four complete days a week.
For the first option (3 meals/2 snacks/7 days a week), the rate is $15/hour for 4 hours a week.
The second option (lunches and dinners/7 days a week), the rate is $15/hour for 3 hours a week.
The third option (mini option), the rate is $10/hour for 3 hours a week.
For the vegan, gluten-free, or diabetic options, there is an additional hour per week.

*Bonus!  For the first five customers that respond to this post, get the rates cut by $5/hour for life!*

I can customize your meal plan to suit your specific needs.  We would schedule an introductory interview via phone or emails questionnaire so that I can better understand exactly what you are looking for.  You would keep track of the meals that you really enjoyed and which ones you would rather replace, during the first two weeks, then I would conduct a secondary interview to reevaluate.  But ultimately, my goal is to help you learn how to meal-plan yourself so that after a year with me, you can easily do this yourself.

All my clean-eating and detox meal plans will be approved by a certified nutritionist, should you choose that option.

As I said above, there is a kid-friendly option.  This includes kid-friendly, "fun" meals and snacks, that you've seen me post before.  This option is a bit more flexible, using the slow-cooker option and not as "clean" as my clean-eating option.  For example, we might throw in homemade pizzas to make with your kids on the weekend or a fun and easy spaghetti dish.  But remember, all meal plans are designed to suit YOU and your family's needs.  So, we can easily do a combo of any option.

All weekday breakfasts are easy and ready in under 10 minutes.  All lunches and afternoon snacks are easily packable and will include tips on how to pack the meals to go.  Weeknight dinners are designed to be easy while weekend meals might take a bit longer and will include meal prepping for the week.  But, I promise, you won't ever be in the kitchen for hours and hours unless you choose to be!

My goal here is to have fun and to teach you how to do this yourself!  I'm just making it easy and healthy for working families.

So, what do you think??  You interested??  Email me :)
thegdkitchen (at) gmail (dot) com!
Come sign up!

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