
Thursday, November 27, 2014

what we are thankful for.

i haven't done a "lately" post recently so i changed this one to what we are thankful for this year.
right now, i'm thankful for...

the changing, Autumn colors (finally!)

the warm-ish days for strolling 

chuckling over animals parading around baby gabe

the first of the fires on chilly nights

learning on our new "puuter" from GMa ;)

boys that are such great eaters

the late Autumn sun

food-art fails
(it's supposed to be a turtle...)

mike's first buck!

hot tea and quiet reading to chubby legs

new, healthy recipes!  this one is coconut turmeric kale smoothie!

tiny pants that didn't quite make the laundry basket...

our two big crazies.
(don't worry...they stay buckled till nanny's "road" (driveway) then they get to "drive" the last mile to home!)

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