
Monday, September 14, 2015


I don't know if I'm still coming off South America or what but I'm loving not being as "plugged in" as normal. So, we've been still relaxing, taking advantage of the cool(er) temperatures, and just enjoying life on a farm again!
Enjoy the pictures of the past week!

enjoying a rainstorm!

all-beef, whole wheat, sriracha guacamole hot dogs by the pool!

catching grasshoppers in nanny's garden

how i start my mornings before the boys wake up: doterra oils, coffee, workout, yoga, and a captured frog ;)

loving our cc classes! mv is rocking his presentations and memory work!

holy beautiful yoga! an indulgence for me while mike watches the boys!

fun breakfasts!

baby cellulite ;)

having fun while errand running

"date" before he left for South America again

my mom rocks. look at that amazing felt tiger for the Creation story!

love these wild and crazies

his brothers like to decorate him during bathtime

the big boys helping nanny and i move dirt and mulch around

oh, he's so handsome and grown up!

i'm loving making lunches for our one day in cc a week!

of course, Gabe got pneumonia when daddy was out of the country...nothing like an er visit to spice things up!

poor baby

literally, this is what i had for dinner that night.
cookie dough and wine.

getting colder outside! time for gloves!

finally got to add that "firewood" sticker to our chore chart!
Sunday best with two of my main men!

sweet boys.

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