
Sunday, December 11, 2016

homeschooling wrap-up: november!

we had another great month!
we took lots of nature walks in the perfect temps (in texas, you only have a few weeks), did lots of fun crafts, and finished up our cc semester!

worksheets, worksheets, worksheets...

...and baby legs :)
(nursing in school)

nature walks before the leaves fell!

and color sorting the leaves for gabe!

autumn sensory tub

still plugging away at our numbers

he's starting to work on phonics!

and this one can do his addition and subtraction without my help now!

poetry tea time!

g is for meeeee!

homemade ant farm!

bird nest discovery

and baby snake skeleton

cursive meltdown ;)

homemade pumpkin pie playdough!

our oldest is on a thank you/love note kick.
i can't complain.

yellow is our color of the month!

yellow breakfast!

"i" sensory time

more poetry tea time/cooking lessons!

my mom comes to pick up gabe and take him for a stroller ride after about 1 1/2 hours of his school time.
then they read and do flash cards and play games until lunch time :)

and sometimes Senora Godinich comes to visit and we have a spanish lesson!
(she minored in spanish)

thanksgiving decoration!

more fall fun!
(fine motor skills)

perfect autumn sun and poetry tea time

spice paints!
turmeric, ginger, paprika, and brown sugar!

j for jellyfish!

i couldn't resist an oreo lesson for cc that day!

rocket lessons with mrs. joni!

straw rockets first...

then stomp rockets demo...

then outside stomp rockets!

and finally "real" rockets! so much fun!

music lesson!

presentation time in jack's class!

nursing a sweaty baby while tutoring = not fun.

but i have sweet friends who give me treats to make it through the day!

tin whistle practice.
name that tune!

end of semester music review!
i couldn't decide which picture to use!
they picked their own outfits for this month!

another great month!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Do your kids ever wear clothes?
    2. In the nursing photo, you resemble Drew Barrymore.
