
Sunday, August 20, 2017

gabriel turns 3!

We've had a crazy busy couple of weekends so we had to celebrate Gabriel's 3rd birthday early!
We had an awesome day, despite the rain that kept us from a pool party like we originally planned on.
But he didn't seem to mind and neither did we!

traditional m&m pancakes for birthday breakfast!

then the big boys went to tennis so it was lovely just spending the morning, just the two of us :)
we put the baby to nap then he helped me make his cake...

and shuck the corn on the cob that he chose for dinner...

it started raining...

so we skyped with gma and poppy!

during the boys' nap, i finished the cake ;)

and then it was time to party!!

he played outside in the rain with his brothers while daddy grilled...

the hot dogs!
he got to choose what his birthday menu was!
hot dogs, corn on the cob, cheese puffs (what?! he's never even eaten cheese puffs!), and of course watermelon!

cake and presents!
not my best cake, for sure, but he loved it!

hoooooooow is he three?!?

michael was so excited, as you can tell.
it was a transformer.
not pictured is jack wailing because, and i quote, "God didn't make my birthday first!"
we stopped pictures at this point and started recording because jack was being so ridiculous.
i only wish i could upload videos to a blog.
but hey, it's not a birthday without someone crying, eh? :)

michael and jack got to spend two of their hard-earned dollars to the dollar store and buy him a gift!

his big gift from nanny, paw paw, mommy and daddy.
we got this as a hand-me-down!
uncle vince fixed the horn, paw paw and daddy fixed the battery problem, and voila! a "new" car for gabriel!

he loved it.

daddy hauling it to the driveway for smoother driving

aaaaand running the car back to shelter when it started raining again!

finishing off the day with cake!!
happy birthday, little love!!

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