
Sunday, September 10, 2017


lots of pictures again!
sorry and enjoy!

my cutie

fun playdate at a cc friend's house!
sprinkler underneath a trampoline filled with balls.

and she sent us home with homemade charcoal soap!
i love that our friends are as crunchy as we are :)

on our way to see aunt carlie!

...almost everyone napping :)

"aunt carlie has the coolest pool!"

sharing popsicles

whoa. too much sunscreen mama.

such a fun trip!

then, later that day, it was off to the mesquite rodeo!

past the baby's bedtime...

we use cotton candy to make it past bedtime...don't you?

the first pear from our orchard!

my parents brought me back a huge block of chocolate from their vancouver trip!

two sweet boys nicely playing in their bedroom :)


2nd round of tennis camp!


indonesian venison bowls!

and dessert!

he was so stinking proud.
i was emptying the dishwasher and he opened the door and retrieved the leftover homemade pancakes.
and ate one bite out of every one.

cc tutor prep!
always good to see my best friends and talk about how to enrich little minds this year.
and loren's buttermilk pie.
oh my.

a new do!

a surprise in the mail!
when we were up in rhode island, our innkeeper (who gabriel named the zookeeper) found out how much we love coffee cake.
so she surprised us with some in the mail!
please, please stay at the escobar inn in you are ever in rhode island!

granola bars!


allie's birthday party!

i love my helpers.

this was the very first day of school.
he literally cut a tooth DURING school.

when they aren't helping me with chores inside, they are outside helping nanny with the garden!

during choir practice, we get the sanctuary and a sunset to ourselves.

we've been loving uncle vince here!

sampling the tres leches cake before dinner ;)

horseshoes after dinner!

walkie talkies and paw paw's crazy hats

sweet potato and cauliflower curry!

tiny, wildflowers picked by my boys

i snapped this after naps...these twins have exactly the same color of green-blue eyes!

so naturally i had to get another of the bright-blue-eyed triplets later that day :)


homemade popsicles on the porch after naptime

gig 'em!
date night in!

helping nanny harvest and process the holy basil for drying

i go to the store with just mv and can't find anything on my list.
so i grab a bottle of wine bc mike is out of town.
as i'm running over a thousand things in my head in line, i start to notice that a few grandmas are giving me disproving looks.
then the mama with three boys behind me starts laughing.
THEN, just as i realize that i'm in line with only one very distinct item that my 6 year old son is holding, the cashier reminds me that "this is frowned upon".
the lady behind me is hysterical and tells me that she's got 8 boys at home and points to her cart, filled with only wine, milk, and diapers.
she tells me to chin up and carry on and i slink out to my car.

piano lessons!

i told mv to open the cereal box.
can you tell he was excited?
we don't do cereal around here often...

its getting chilly enough for walks!

and lots and lots of outside play!

salad full of thinned baby beets and turnip greens from our garden!

stopping for an earthworm crossing :)

trust in Him.

homemade kimchi!

treats from trader joe's when mike was in dallas for the day!
another great month!!!

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