
Sunday, December 3, 2017


we've had another awesome month here in the desa family!
enjoy our pictures!

kicking the cooler weather off with a proper breakfast...cinnamon apple baked oatmeal

treats from the nola conference!

instruments all lined up for children's choir practice!

my cutie patootie children's choir crew :)

and crafting our own instruments!

one LATE evening when the fam was picking veg in our gardens in the dark

date night with my handsome man!!

we were strolling downtown after dinner and happened upon an impromtu opera concert! he was amazing!!

then we headed back up to the local coffee shop and caught more live music! this time, a sweet Christian couple crooning to their own songs about their autistic son. it was beautiful.

and of course, amazing coffee by Joe Pine!


when i tell the boys they need to adjust their attitudes and to try to be kinder (almost a daily occurrence...) for some strange and magical reason, they sweep.
i don't know why they feel that sweeping the house will help their attitude.
do i care?!

for each boys' 5th birthday, they get a special daddy date to their first aggie game!!!

they had a blast!
we showed our support from home ;)

gaumy's birthday cake!

and celebration at our local winery!

the birthday girl!

jack and mike were still driving in from college station...

love the views at the winery!

sweet potato cinnamon banana eggs!

mike usually takes mv to piano and lets jack play legos.
i had to take them this time.

our beautiful farm!

the baby and i had the right idea.
pjs and homemade chili.

and beer.
(mostly just in the chili. mostly.)

beautiful colors coming out!

mike's conference in kansas city!

more colors on our morning walk!

and hot tea afterwards :)

my sweet, church-sleeping baby

happy thanksgiving!

tea wreath!

hot cocoa date with a man in a cape!

zoo trip with just gabe the babe!

and a doughnut date!

"mommy? letsh go fah a wahlk with chjush llyoo and me."
don't ever lose that adorable, lateral lisp, gabe.

sensory tub!

boy mom life.
cutting halloween slime (who gave the boys this?!?!) out of a favorite snuggly blanket.
i tried picking, washing, and etc.
cutting was the way to go.

everyone besides mike and mv were sick on thanksgiving (thanks, Disney) so they were the only ones that got to go to church and volunteer for the outreach. over 1000 people fed this year!

but we caught the macy's parade on youtube!

and the dog show!

as festive as we got on the actual day...

but we were feeling better the next day so we did our thanksgiving!

and even had mini leftovers!

fall pictures!

i love the outtakes just as much.

leftover stuffing waffles, cold turkey, fried egg, hot gravy, and that delish jalapeno cranberry sauce!

minnie shoes from disney!

first wrestling practice!

the baby and i matched ;)

baby rob's 1st birthday pictures!

love you, kid.
a fun month!

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