
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

grapefruit avocado salad

This is a clean, refreshing salad that is perfect for the middle of a hot, Texas summer.

And I know that grapefruit and avocado don't sound very appetizing together but you are going to have to trust me.  The flavors work really really well together.  It's a fantastic combo. 

Grapefruit Avocado Salad
Serves 4.
2 avocados
3-4 grapefruits, supremed
1/2 red onion
Olive oil, best quality
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

Get out a nice serving platter.
Slice avocados in half and remove seed.
It's easiest if you use your knife - whack it and twist!

Slice the avocado in it's skin and using a spoon, remove the slices to the platter.

Spread the grapefruit supremes onto the avocado on the platter.

Slice the onion into very thin slices and sprinkle over the top of the salad.

Drizzle a little olive oil on top and season liberally with salt and pepper.