
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

h's quinoa

So, this quinoa recipe is adapted from 101 Cookbooks.
The blog author is Heidi.
She's great.
She does really healthy and organic recipes that always have some strange quirk to them.

And, while looking up (more!) quinoa recipes, I found this one.
Heather's quinoa.
She goes into why she named it this but for me, now it's just H's Quinoa.
Heidi or Heather, it matters not.
It's just plain good.

H's Quinoa
Serves 4.
1 tablespoon olive oil

A pinch of fine grain sea salt
1 shallot, minced
3 cups cooked quinoa (how to cook perfect way!)
1 cup fresh corn
1 1/2 cups kale, spinach or other hearty green, finely chopped (I used kale)
1/3 cup pesto (I used this version with fantastic results!)
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds, toasted
1/4 cup roasted tomatoes 

In a big skillet or pot, heat the olive oil and salt over medium-high heat. Stir in the shallot and cook for a minute or two. Stir in the quinoa and corn and cook until hot and sizzling. Stir in the kale until heated through. Remove the skillet from heat and stir in the pesto and pumpkin seeds. Mix well so the pesto is spread throughout. Turn everything out onto a platter and top with the roasty tomatoes.  Enjoy warm!

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