
Sunday, April 30, 2017

whole wheat sugar-less peanut butter pancakes with blueberry "jelly" "syrup"

anyone have any boys out there?
multiple boys??
we have four.
and yes, we've been teased about how much they will eat us out of house and home when they get to be teens.
now is the correct term.

mama loves a good pancake.
we eat them regularly around here.
(average? once a week.)
and my boys can pound some pancakes.
michael can eat around five, on average.
jack averages four.
gabriel averages two.
and we aren't talking silver dollar pancakes.
we are talking hardy, six-inch pancakes here.

anyway, i digress.

i try to fill them with as healthful ingredients as possible but i have never come across a pancake recipe that my oldest hasn't eaten a ton of.
until now.
these are incredibly delicious and very, very filling.
michael stopped at two.
and that's sayin' something.

so if you have boys...or a husband...or a healthy appetite of your own, try these!
they are all-health, guilt-free, and oh-so-good!!

Whole Wheat Sugar-Less Peanut Butter Pancakes with Blueberry "Jelly" "Syrup"
Makes around 8-10.
1 1/4 cups buttermilk
1/4 cup peanut butter of choice
2 tablespoons honey
1 egg, beaten
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
Blueberry syrup
Chopped peanuts

Whisk all ingredients until combined in a large bowl.
Heat a skillet over medium-low and add a dab of coconut oil or butter.
Pour in 1/3 cup of batter and cook until bubble surface. Flip and cook until done through.
Serve with blueberry syrup and chopped peanuts on top! Enjoy!

Blueberry Syrup
1 cup blueberries
1/4 cup honey

Simmer in a small saucepan until thick and reduced by about half. Serve warm!

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