
Sunday, May 7, 2017

homeschool wrap-up: april!

another awesome month in the school of DeSa!
we focused this month on wrapping up our wonderful cc year and did Easter crafts and a Russia unit!

X is for X-ray!

chapter books by himself and cookies :)

color of the month was pink!

skimming right along in his new kinder workbook

la professora had an interesting way of teaching the alphabet this month ;)

finally getting this money thing down...


finally getting this letter writing thing down...

michael's first research paper!
apparently, he was bothering the church nursery workers about box turtles :)
so, one of them gave him a book on turtles and told him to write a few facts down :)
love. it.

X's on Pink!

plugging through!

palm sunday!

adding to his color book

spanish review!

more pink X's

Y is for Yak!

spanish review and resurrection!

poetry tea time baking!

and our favorite author/illustrator!

needed a little help with scrambled month words

more spanish!

textile Y's!

Easter poetry tea time with all the bunny books we could rummage up...

painting Easter eggs!

Easter crosses


i can't ever resist a good hand/foot print craft...

break open the Easter egg and....

He is Risen!

resurrection eggs!

not super happy that i wanted him to play with pink play dough for sensory play ;)

Z! last letter!

Z is for Zebra!
he did those stripes "all by self!"

Russia unit!!

matryoshka doll!

gabriel obviously put forth a ton of effort with this one...

st. basil's craft!

and the mess that was left over :o

russian tea cakes for poetry tea time!

and the nearest to a russian fairy tale as we had in print

russian research paper!
mostly just copywork but i had him read me the sentences and decide whether or not he wanted to use that fact or not.
then copy it over to his paper.
i think he did great!

faberge eggs!
gabriel painted the orange one and then wanted nothing else to do with it. so mama decorated it!
michael did the dark green and designed and created it himself!
jack did the blue and designed it and had mama do the hard hot glueing part :)
and i did the purple one!

our sweet and wonderful friend, magda, who lived in st. petersburg for awhile, came and laid out quite the spread for us!
she told us all about russia and showed all her treasures!
i think i got more out of it than the kids but we all enjoyed nonetheless :)

we had a real and very authentic Empress come to visit!

so naturally the boys wanted to dress up too.
so, they are russian princes!
michael is obviously a very tough one.

and we had a friend of the family that is russian call us and give us a taste of the russian conversational language :)

our big finale was our feast!
first course was russian brown bead, crackers, "caviar" (chia seeds since i couldn't find caviar in east texas), and an assortment of pickled and smoked fishes and veggies

second course was blinis with shirred eggs and scallions!

third course was borscht!
made from our very own beets, cabbage, and leeks!

fourth course was piroshki!
meat stuffed bread, of sorts

our friend gave us this authentic drink to taste (just a is slightly alcoholic)
and we had leftover russian tea cakes for dessert!

we finished up our cc year too! :) :(
one of the boys' presentations was on our germany unit from last month!

constructing egg protectors out of popsicle sticks!

geography review

and composer review

the big science finale!
egg drop!
and daddy even got to come and drop all the eggs!! fun!

paper airplane contest

straw bridge test!

practicing our final song!

gabriel had a fun month of playing in the nursery with nanny!

love these precious cc babes!
cc end of celebration night!

the boys helping me display all the artwork!

the kids sang so well for our final song!
i like how it looks like audience is empty :) but the kiddos were sitting in those first couple rows ;)
and also! notice our own nanny's castle as the background!!

a wonderful night!

another amazing month!

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