
Sunday, May 27, 2018


Because of all my CC commitments, we didn’t plan too many trips for the summer. So, we thought we might as well make the most out of them! And we had a blast!
Enjoy our pictures from Crystal Beach, TX!

ready to go!

good travelers :)

we arrived, threw our stuff in the house, and headed to the beach!

we could park right on the beach

robert LOVED the water and waves!

gabriel like to stay out of those scary waves and instead dig in the sand :)

they found about a million hermit crabs!

easy dinners paved the way for more time in the water

our beach house!

a cool jeep beach "convention" of sorts

the big boys played in the waves after dinner and gabriel and i collected sea glass and shells

morning coloring


on our way home!

we came home to an awesome sand castle creation from my parents!!

an awesome trip!

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