
Sunday, May 20, 2018


we've been busy lately!
enjoy our pictures :)

Godinich cousins :)

trying frog legs :)

my grandmother had all the clay laid and the boys got 10 cents for every sticker (leftover over from the pots) they collected!

they each made enough to buy legos!

gabe was the water boy.

pretty light at church

i love these kids' imaginations.

director training!

and a date that night!

chicken processing day!!!

doing chores!

my fav lunch ever.

a stormy day called for treats, movies, and blocks!

and i can't be under a tornado warning without watching twister...

bi-lingual day at the library with mrs. dinora!


my sweet boys had to sit in the choir loft and had no less than seven compliments on how wonderful they were during church :)

picking flowers on the way home

awesome catfish skeleton!

the perfect day to fly kites!!


frisbee war wound :)

longhorn neighbors :)
we love this curly hair.

ah, farm life.

fresh lettuce!

girls' night!

mike's nyc conference

he sends me these amazing pictures of sushi burritos and massive gourmet donuts.

amazing choRUSS performance with my boys!

can  you tell which two are storebought and which are fresh??

mud fight with friends!

they are getting closer to their goal :)


getting honey from mr. don!
robert obviously had a long day...

special paw paw and nanny breakfast when daddy's gone!


it bothers me to no end that i didn't fit all of our verse in one column
joshua's birthday party!

children's choir crafts!

my blackberry pickers :)

may the fourth be with you!
(and also with you.)
date night!

opening day at the market!

cinco de mayo!!!

church concert :)

almost summer!

wanting to join the fun so badly.

new haircut!

girls' night!

wedding planning night!

mother's day crafts at market on the square!

homemade beignets and bacon in bed!

the baby helping clean...

sick baby on mother's day.

and my grandmother fell and broke her hip.
on mother's day :(

daddy making cookie dough ice cream sandwiches :)

they were delicious.

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