
Saturday, February 8, 2014

homeschooling wrap up: january

another great month in the School of DeSa ;)
here's our wrap up!

our Bible story for the month was Creation so we broke it down into the four weeks...
first was the galaxies, stars, planets, etc.
our first letter of the week was O.
each week we add to our letter book with images torn from magazines, papers, etc, and mv gets to glue them in and label!

O is (obviously) for Oreo.

textile letter of the week was O cereal...

and O for Onion rings!

our rotating center in our culture series was The Poles this month!

so, we studied the Inuits...

the Northern Lights...

polars bears with homemade puff paint!

added to our Northern Lights art with some salt outlines of Arctic animals...

learned about how blubber and fat keep whales and polar bears warm in icy water...

and had a major fail trying to build a marshmallow igloo.
but, he didn't really seem to mind too much...

our first felt song of the month was the Gingerbread Man.
so, naturally...

the second week of January, we focused on the Sea and Everything In It!
and our felt song was Deep and Wide!

our letter of the week was P

Popcorn was for the textile letter of the week...

P for Pecan Pie!

...and Pasta and Peas!

and Penguin!

during our third week, we learned about the Land and all the Animals that He made.

and our felt song was Teasing Mr. Alligator!

our letter was Q...

for Q-tips...

...and Quesadillas

and Quiche!

during the third week, we had a major snowstorm so we did a few snow activities...
snow volume experiment and more!

the following week was R week!
for Raisins...


and Raspberries and Red bell pepper, dipped in Ranch!

and the end to our Creation story...Adam and Eve!

another great month!

1 comment:

  1. he's getting so grown up looking - quick have another one
