Monday, November 2, 2009

bourbon pecan pie

It's November!  That means I can put away the pumpkin (well, almost) and start on Thanksgiving-type foods!  And what better way to start then with a good old fashioned pecan pie.
There are lots of different recipes out there for pecan pie but this one happens to be the most simple.  You can have chocolate or espresso or  I mean, those are all great and everything but this one has about 6 ingredients and it encompasses everything that you think of when you think of old fashioned pecan pie. 

Pecan Pie
Serves 6-8.
1 stick butter
1 cup sugar
1 cup Karo syrup
3 eggs, beaten
1 cup whole pecans
1/2 cup chopped pecans
3 tablespoons bourbon
1 unbaked pie shell (homemade or store bought)

Preheat oven to 350*.
In a saucepan, melt the butter but do not let it brown.  Mix in the sugar and the corn syrup and cook, stirring over medium heat, until the sugar dissolves, about 3 minutes.  Stir in the eggs, off the heat, slowly until incorporated.  Stir in the pecans and the bourbon and pour into pie shell.  Bake for 1 hour, on a cookie sheet to stabilize, until firm in the center when slightly shaken.  Enjoy!


  1. How did you know that pecan pie was my favs?!?!?!

  2. Haha, it's one of mine too! We missed you trick or treating!! :)

  3. Seriously, I just had to come back on here and now my mouth is really drooling!!!! Thanks Katie!!!! We didn't come on base to trick or treat....where you handing out your cupcakes?!?

  4. Yup yup! Can't wait for you to move on base :)

  5. 15 more days...not that I'm counting or anything;) I wish it were here already!!!!

  6. i have to have one of these for christmass or i wont come see you


  7. Don't Do it UNLESS fat daddo loses some weight.

  8. Hahahah! Yall must be bored at home :)
    I'm thinking I might do one of these for you Daddy...with cinnamon whipped cream and ice cream!

  9. Amazing Katie! I am so envious of your talent and patience with cooking! By the way... you have an amazing camera.

  10. Haha thanks! We just got a brand new camera for Christmas so they'll be even better!!! :)


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