Sunday, September 25, 2016


what a month!!
we've been crazy busy around here in the past month, which is great because we will probably be resting alot and getting to know our new little one next month :)
enjoy our pictures!

my slogan for homeschool this year

pumpkin pie smoothie to will Autumn into arriving.
i have smoothies most days...
1 frozen banana, chunked
1/2 cup cold coffee
1/2 cup milk of choice
handful of oats
either 2 tablespoons pb2 powder OR 1/2 cup pureed pumpkin
cinnamon (or other spices) to taste
dash of vanilla
that's it! so healthy! no sugars!

beautiful sunrise through our pines

crazy hat night!

i loooooove that my kids get so excited about salad night.
we try to have them twice a week (chop once for two meals!) and they love it that they get to choose whatever toppings go on their salad. we set a minimum (you have to have at least 5 toppings) and they go to town! so healthy!

the sewing projects never end.
that night was stuffed animal-holes.

michael and jack sleep together every night but lately we've been making gabe's biggest dream come true and putting him in there too! he doesn't last very long but they have fun while he's there :)

pumpkin custard for breakfast!

my sweet mama and i registering for the new baby!

my  man and i :)

ahhhhh! the first of our fresh chickens!!
no antibiotics, free-range, healthy chickens!
so delicious.

time to harvest all the chickens!
in. one. day.

sorry, kiddos.

just a few extras to pluck here and there!

homemade pumpkin spice latte, whole wheat zucchini muffins, homemade blueberry jam.

building (and inspecting) the new goat shed!

getting in all my girl dates with friends before the baby comes!

fall festival at our church!

the ONLY way to make cookie dough.
make a double batch, cook a few that night, freeze the rest in a log for slice n bakes later :)

woohoo! so excited for a water birth! hopefully, it'll happen this time!

fall cooking at its best.
upside down apple spice cake.

sweet boys.

ladies night at cc!

my beautiful preggo friends :)

my days :)

my little sous chef!

"look mommy! i'm the man in the yellow hat! and here's my george!"

soccer practice

getting all the attention that night!
my parents took the big boys on a date...

and i got into bed early with my hot maple milk!

the big boys went to a "classical music concert" that ended up being a way-too-loud beatles concert.

but they had fun.
and hey! rainbow ice cream!

snake killers.

harvesting the last of the summer basil

and eating the last of the purple hull peas, straight from the pod!

the new goat and chicken complex!

transplanting seedlings into hydroponics in the greenhouse

pedicure time for this mama
first soccer game of the season!! the boys are on the same team...

and gabriel is just jealous...

stop. growing.
and stop being so dang handsome.

the new chicken and goat complex is done!

made with all recycled/reused supplies

rounding up the free-rangers!

reading in bed with my boys :)

a last (??) date at 37 1/2 weeks!


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